August 17th, 2011

WHAT’S INSIDE YOUR MAILBOX? – Stephanie, Lindsay and Beth share their freebies!

Steph’s monday mailbox freebies 🙂

(thanks for sharing @Stephanie)

Figured I’d share this as well!

(thanks for sharing @Lindsay)

My “haul”

(thanks for sharing @Beth)


Would you like to show off what’s inside YOUR mailbox?!

  1. Snap it
  2. Send it to [email protected] or feel free to post them on our Facebook wall.
  3. And we’ll share it with all our readers.

On Mondays, I get a chance to show you all my weeks freebies during Mailbox Mondays, but I want to give you guys a chance to share your freebies with the world. I can’t wait to see all your goodies, so start sending them in! 😀

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  • Kristen August 17, 2011, 7:59 PM

    WOW I wish I knew how to get all that.Congrats ladies!!

    • wanda August 17, 2011, 8:17 PM

      just sign up for all of the freebie stuff that she posts. I got most of that stuff to. I did not take a picture but I also received my Kashi bar and a thing of quaker cereal.

  • Kristen August 17, 2011, 9:46 PM

    I signed up for a few things however by the time I sit in front of my laptop dang its late and most are already gone………. just like swag bucks its ALWAYS DONE!!! Grrrrrr

  • shawna August 18, 2011, 12:07 AM

    @Stephanie WHOA!!!! How did you get a BONZAI??

  • Sarah August 19, 2011, 5:08 PM

    How did she get that downy thing?!?!? i want one! lol