January 29th, 2015

FREE eBooks Roundup 1/29

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Looking for some new books to read? Every Thursday, I’ll bring you a new Amazon roundup of some highly-rated FREE Kindle eBooks!

  1. Miller’s Creek Forgiveness Collection by Cathy Bryant
  2. Some Degree of Murder by Frank Zafiro and Colin Conway
  3. Home Is Where the Heart Is by Kimberly Rae Jordan
  4. The Argentina Rhodochrosite by J.A. Jernay
  5. A Taste of Sin by Jennifer L. Jennings
  6. The Passion Thief by Anne McCarthy Strauss
  7. Bon Appetit by Sandra Byrd
  8. Restless Hearts by Mona Ingram
  9. Almost a Bride by Patricia McLinn
  10. Snow Angel by Melanie Shawn

Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to read these – you can use your smartphone, tablet or computer as well. Enjoy! 🙂

*Amazon prices may change at any time.

Find more in : Amazon Deals